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Boar Hunting Game Call


Boar Hunting Game Call

Flextone Game Call Makin Bacon – Boar Call

Do Looking for an easy way to bring those boars in closer? Then give this Flextone Boar call a try

The Makin Bacon effectively reproduces the distress calls of both young and old pigs with an expandable flex hose that provides variation in tone and inflection

It allows you to deliver a loud volume for locating hog packs at a distance and also allows for softer calls to trigger close-range encounters.

2 in stock


Boar Hunting Game Call

The Makin Bacon features

§  Great for close-in calling

§  Reproduces the grunting sounds of boars and sows

§  Flexible hose for tone and volume adjustments

§  Extra loud for long range or softer when they are close

§  Adjustable reed assembly from grunts to bleats

§  Great call with accurate sound

§  Appeals to the pack instinct of a hog

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